UI Components


Product information

UI Components by Auth0 Lab is an experimental set of high-quality, reusable UI components designed to assist developers in building robust and user-friendly identity-related features for React applications. The initial offering includes components for user profiles, multi-factor authentication (MFA) enrollment, and organization management.

The User Profile component provides detailed user information, supporting MFA enrollment and user metadata management. It includes sections for general information, preferences, and security settings. The MFA Enrollment component allows users to manage their multi-factor authentication methods, including fetching available factors, creating new enrollments, and deleting existing ones. The User Metadata component enables the fetching and updating of user-specific data.

These components are designed to function without direct requests to the Auth0 Management API, but React Hooks and NextJS routers are provided to facilitate API interactions. Hooks like useMfaEnrollment and useUserMetadata manage MFA enrollments and user metadata updates, respectively, offering methods to fetch, create, and delete data. NextJS routers handle API requests, ensuring secure and efficient communication with the Auth0 Management API.

To integrate these components, developers need to install dependencies such as zod, react-hook-form, and @hookform/resolvers. Sample code snippets and detailed instructions are provided to help developers quickly set up and customize the components in their projects.


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