

Product information

cloud-seed is a lightweight alternative to cloud-init, designed to fetch user data from various cloud providers, set the hostname, and write files based on the provided directives. Its primary goal is to ensure deterministic server launches by embedding all necessary software and base configurations into server images, thereby reducing the need for startup scripts that can introduce failures or inconsistencies.

The tool supports a simple JSON format for user data, which can include directives for setting the hostname and writing files. Additionally, it offers compatibility with cloud-init's YAML format and some of its directives, making it a flexible choice for those seeking minimalistic functionality without the extensive features of cloud-init.

cloud-seed can fetch user data from multiple cloud providers including Alibaba Cloud, AWS, Exoscale, Google Cloud, OpenStack, Oracle Cloud, and Vultr. It supports various platforms such as Linux, Windows, macOS, FreeBSD, and Android (21+). The tool is open-source and licensed under either MIT or Apache 2.0, allowing users to choose their preferred licensing option.


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