Anvil is a graphical, multi-pane code editor designed to enhance the coding experience with a range of standard and advanced features. It offers syntax highlighting, multiple cursors, and remote file editing, all within a user interface that supports extensive mouse interactions such as clicking and dragging windows. The editor's scrolling behavior is optimized for code editing, and it includes a retro built-in fixed-width font for a classic feel. Additionally, Anvil boasts a custom language for text operations and provides a REST API for further integrations.

Despite its many strengths, Anvil has some limitations. It lacks official support for macOS, operating only on Linux and Windows. While it is open source, the source code is not hosted on a code hosting provider, though it is available for download. Inspired by Acme, Anvil integrates closely with the shell and is built using the GIO graphical user-interface library in Go, making it a practical and performant tool for developers.


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